CIE 0978 (9-1)
This IGCSE course builds on the skills and knowledge that you have gained in your individual instrumental or singing lessons and the Key Stage 3 Music curriculum. It has a strong practical and creative emphasis, which can provide a good contrast to your other subject choices. Whether you see Music purely as a hobby, or are considering further study in the Sixth Form, you should find this course very rewarding. Students opting for IGCSE Music will need to continue with individual instrumental or singing lessons throughout the course; they should also have an understanding of basic music theory and be confident reading musical notation.
Course content
The syllabus focuses on the core musical components of Listening (40%), Performing (30%) and Composing (30%). In the Listening course you will explore a wide variety of music as a means of developing your aural perception skills. You will learn about the main historical periods in western music, as well as exploring music from around the world. You will focus in detail on a set work. For the Performing component, you will play or sing a solo piece and offer an ensemble performance. The two pieces can be on the same instrument, but you may use two if you wish. In your Composing lessons you will be introduced to a variety of approaches so that you develop the ability to write music in a style of your own choice. You will also learn about the range and capabilities of different instruments or voices and will be taught to notate your music accurately using computer software. You will submit two pieces for assessment at the end of the course.