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Published on 11/09/17

Small group tuition is defined as one educator working with a class of two to six students. This small class size enables the teacher to work with each pupil closely, concentrating on their individual educational needs. There are many positive outcomes to learning in a small group environment. This is because it is easier for teachers to monitor students’ progress and enables them to give individual attention to each student.

Flexible learning

The great thing about learning in small classes is that it allows for students to be given greater attention. Sadly, larger groups can be more stressful and it’s a fact that we all learn better when we are relaxed and small group sizes are ideal for this.

With small class sizes, teachers can give instant feedback. Feedback is much more limited in regular-sized classes of thirty students. It also allows every pupil to develop at their own pace, without pressure. In large groups where sometimes there are 30+ students, it is easy for some struggling pupils to be left behind. Teachers find it more difficult to give individual attention and can be easily side-tracked.

Confidence building

Students working in small groups tend to gain confidence more quickly. Often, the reason why some students do not contribute in large group discussions is down to self-belief, rather than idleness. If a student feels insecure, they may find it difficult to speak up, and more confident students may dominate the discussion. Because small groups have a more informal, relaxed atmosphere, it allows teachers to bring all students into group discussions and conversations and gives students a bigger confidence boost. This gives more insecure the encouragement they need to participate and have a voice.

Some pupils can get distracted easily in large groups. Smaller classes focus more on team building, with all students working towards the same problem, and progressing educationally and socially as a unit.

A post written for says: “A trademark of private education, small class sizes have been drawing parents and struggling students to private schools for generations. The benefits of smaller classes have been proven in study after study, and most teachers will tell you intuitively that working with fewer children more personally improves the atmosphere and overall learning quality in the classroom...smaller classes take less of a “one size fits all” approach, and the teacher has the ability to tailor lessons more specifically to different students. Fewer children allow teachers to get to know students, their distinct learning styles and needs, and more time with each student also means more time to address individual questions and explain difficult concepts to students.”